Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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The Construction Industry in Developing Countries. Vol.: 2 Profile of the Industry in Selected Countries --- Nairobi, Kenya 1984 Industria de la construcción; países en desarrollo UNCHS

The crisis of social development in the 1990s: Preparing for the world social summit --- Ginebra, Suiza 1994 Crisis del desarrollo social en los años noventas United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

The Dahanu thermal power plant - A case study --- --- --- Planta de energía Dahanu ---

The design and manufacture af low-cost motorized vehicles --- Nairobi, Kenia 1988 Diseño y fabricación af vehículos motorizados de bajo costo United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

The Dubai International Conference for Habitat II on "Best Practices". A guide to nominating and learning from Best Practices in improving living environments --- Dubai, United Arab Emirates 1995 Mejores prácticas para mejorar espacios habitacionales UNCHS

The Earth Summit's Agenda for Change. A plain language version of Agenda 21 and the other Rio Agreements Keating, Michael Geneva, Switzerland 1993 Acuerdos internacionales sobre medio ambiente Centre of Our Common Future

The Earthscan Action Handbook Litvinoff, Miles Londres, Reino Unido 1990 Medio ambiente, contaminación Earthscan

The east asian miracle --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1993 Crecimiento económico y políticas públicas The World Bank

The ECO-HAB International Foundation Roudtable Report. January 16, 1996. The Venezuelan Mission to the United Nations. EHI Global Partnership for Habitat and the Human Environment. A preparatory event for Habitat II: The City Summit --- New York 1996 Asentamientos humanos; vivienda; desarrollo humano IPA-US Natuonal Committee for Habitat II

The economics of dryland management Dixon, John, David E. James y Paul B. Sherman Londres, Reino Unido 1989 --- Earthscan

The emerging role of housing finance --- --- 1988 Financiamiento de vivienda The World Bank

The environment in Israel Gabbay, Shoshana Jerusalén, Israel 1994 Israel, medio ambiente Ministry of the Environment, State of Israel

The environmental data book --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1993 Medio ambiente y desarrollo The World Bank

The evolution of rent control in Brazil Silveira, Ricardo --- 1989 Políticas de vivienda The World Bank

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Study on Mortgage Lending Revisited Carr, James H. e Isaac F. Megbolugbe Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1993 Préstamos hipotecarios Fannie Mae

The food question --- Londres, Reino Unido 1990 Dependencia alimentaria en el tercer mundo Earthscan

The fuelwood trap Munslow, Barry Londres, Reino Unido 1988 Combustibles, desarrollo urbano y rural Earthscan

The future of recycling --- Santa Barbara, California, Estados Unidos 1990 Rciclado Community Environmental Council

The GAIA Atlas of Cities Girardet, Herbert --- 1992 Sustentabilidad de la vida urbana GAIA Books

The general agreement on tariffs and trade, environmental protection and sustainable development Arden-Clarke, Charles [Ginebra, Suiza] 1991 Protección del medio ambiente WWF International

The global partnership for environment and development --- --- --- Protección del medio ambiente [United Nations]

The Goldberg Opportunity: A Chance for Human Rights-based Statecrsft in Israel Habitat International Coalition - Housing and Land Rights Network --- 2010 --- ---

The greening of aid --- Londres, Reino Unido 1988 Medios de vida sostenibles Earthscan

The Hindu survey of the environment '96 --- Madras, India 1996 Medio ambiente, vivienda urbana en India [S. Rangarajan y Kasturi & Sons]

The human face of the urban environment --- --- [1994] Biografías The National Academy of Sciences

The Human Face of the Urban Environment Serageldin, Ismail, Michael A. Cohen and K. C. Sivaramakrishnan (Eds.) Washington , USA. 1994 --- The World Bank

The human face of the urban environment. A report to the development community Serageldin, Ismail and Michael A. Cohen (Eds.) Washington D. C., USA. 1995 Desarrollo comunitario; medio ambiente urbano; desarrollo urbano The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank

The Human Right to Adequate Housing and Land Chaudhry, Shivani [et. al.] Nueva Delhi, India 2006 Derecho de vivienda National Human Rights Comission

The Human Right to Adequate Housing. Chronology of United Nations Activity 1945 to 1999 --- Ginebra, Suiza 2000 Derecho de vivienda Centre of Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)

The human right to an adequate housing . 21 --- Ginebra, Suiza 1996 Derechos Humanos Centre for Human Rights. United Nations

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