Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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The human right to an adequate housing. 1993-1999 --- [Ginebra, Siuza] 2000 Derecho a una vivienda adecuada Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)

The human rights of persons with disabilities Gaff, Angela Ramallah, Cisjordania 1994 Derechos humanos de personas con discapacidades Al-Haq

The Impact of the 2002 Submergence on Housing and Land Rights in Narmada Valley Clark, Dana and Shivani Bhardwaj New Delhi, India 2003 Derechos de vivienda; derecho a la tierra Housing and Land Rights Network, HIC

The impact of war and forced evictions on urbanisation in Turkey: Violations of housing rights. --- Istambul May, 1996 --- HABITAT INTERNATIONAL COALITION

The improvement of low cost housing and environment in Surabaya, Indonesia Silas, Johan México 1996 MEDIO AMBIENTE/ VIVIENDA Habitat International Coalition

The Incremental-Development Scheme. A Case Study of Khuda-Ki-Basti in Hyderabad, Pakistan --- Nairobi, Kenya 1991 Esquemas de desarrollo incrementado UNCHS

The international bill of Human Rights --- [Ginebra, Suiza] 1988 Derechos humanos Centre for Human Rights. United Nations

The international environment: A reference book --- Ottawa, Canadá 1991 Declaraciones y acuerdos internacionales sobre el medio ambiente Department of External Affairs and International Trade

The Inuit (Eskimo) of Canada --- Londres, Reino Unido 1993 Derechos de las minorías Minority Rights Group International

The INURD expandable urban database: Its uses for simple tasks or analyses by power users Felberg, Jodi --- 1988 --- Urban Development Division. Policy, Planning and Research Staff

The invisible hand of the housing market Avramov, Dragana Bruselas, Bélgica 1996 Los efectos de los cambios en el mercado de la vivienda en personas sin hogar en la Unión Europea FEANTSA

The iraqi asylum seekers and Türkiye --- Ankara, Turquía 1993 --- Tanmak publications

The israeli policy of closure --- Gaza 1995 Frnaja de Gaza, cierre israelí Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

The issues of squatter settlements in Nepal Mikesell, Stephen L. e Hisila Yami Katmandú, Nepal 1990 Nepal, asentamientos irregulares Concerned Citizen Group of Nepal

The journal of real estate finance and economics --- Países Bajos 1993 --- Kluwer Academic Publishers

The Land Market Assessment Dowall, David E. --- --- Gestión urbana Urban Management Programme

The local tax on services in Brazil Silveira, Ricardo --- 1989 Impuesto siobre servicios en Brasil The World Bank

The lumad and moro or Mindanao --- Londres, Reino Unido 1993 Derechos de las minorías Minority Rights Group International

The maintenance of infraestructure an its financing and cost recovery --- Nairobi, Kenia 1993 Mantenimiento de infraestructura United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

The management of revolving funds for house improvement loans --- Nairobi, Kenia 1991 Gestión de los fondos rotatorios de préstamos para mejorar viviendas United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

The marathwada earthquake report and enquiry into the relief measures Jahagirdar, Justice [Bombay, India] --- Terremoto de Marathwada The Indian People's Tribunal on Environment and Human Rights

The measurement and targeting of housing finance subsidies: The case of Argentina Buckley, Robert --- 1988 La medición y focalización de los subsidios de financiación de la vivienda en Argentina The World Bank

The Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Program (MEIP) in Asia Williams, David G. --- --- Programa de mejoramiento ambiental en Asia Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

The Multilateral Investment Fund / El Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones --- [Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos] --- Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

The Municipal Development Program --- Harare, Zimbabue 1991 Desarrollo urbano, África subsahariana [Africa Technivcal Department y Economic Development Institute of the World Bank]

The Municipality in Brazil Lordello de Mello, Diogo e Jamil Reston Rio de Janeiro 1991 1. Municipal-autonoma-Brasil. 2. Municipal Administracion-Bracil. 3. Tecnica asistencia-municipal-Brasil. I. Reston, Jamil. II. Instituto Brasileiro de Adninistraçâo Municipal, Rio de Janeiro. III. Titulo IBAM

The mutual Aid Cooperative housing movement in Uruguay Economic and Public Policy Trends Versus the Social Production of Housing México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

The Myth of Abuja Master Plan. Nigeria. Forced Evictions as Urban Planning in Abuja Kisielewski, Michael (Ed.) Genève, Switzerland; Lagos, Nigeria 2008 Desalojos forzados; planeación urbana COHRE International Secretariat; Social and Economic Rights Action Center (SERAC)

The NAHRO Leadership handbook --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1990 NAHRO National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials

The NAHRO Report --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1989 --- National Asociation of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)

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