Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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How you can make your cities better --- Kuala Lumpur, Malasia --- varios The Urban Governance Initiative (TUGI)

Hoy, el cambio. Presente y futuro de la vivienda propia en Mendoza --- Mendoza, Argentina 1994 Acceso a la vivienda; participación social; vivienda social Ministerio de Medio Ambiente: Urbanismo y Vivienda: Gobierno de Mendoza

Human and peoples' rights Hirst, Terry Nairobi, Kenia 1996 Derechos humanos, Kenia Mazingira Institute

Human development report 1993 --- Nueva York, Estados Unidos 1993 Desarrollo humano United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Human ecology, environmental education and sustainable development --- Edimburgo, Escocia 1991 Ecología, educación ambiental y desarrollo sostenible Commonwealth Human Ecology y University of Edinburgh

Human ecology, sustainable development and education --- [Edimburgo, Escocia] [1989] --- Commonwealth Human Ecology Council

Human rights and development --- [La Haya, Países Bajos] 1997 Derechos humanos y desarrollo Novib

Human Rights and Development Review --- Bangladesh --- Derechos Humanos Humanist and Ethical Association of Bangladesh

Human Rights and Development. Comments and Document --- Bonn, Alemania 1993 Derechos humanos y desarrollo Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden

Human Rights and Human Wrongs --- --- 1991 Derechos Humanos World Union for Progressive Judaism

Human Rights and the envirnonment --- San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos [1991] Derechos humanos y medio ambiente Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund

Human Rights Code, 1981 --- Toronto, Canadá 1981 Código de Derechos Humanos; Canadá Gérard J. M. Raymond. Queens Printer for Ontario

Human rights impact assessments for foreign investments projects --- Montreal, Quebec, Canadá 2007 Impacto de proyectos de inversiones extranjeras en los derechos humanos International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development

Human rights in Brazil --- [Ginebra, Suiza] 2009 Brasil, estado de los derechos humanos Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)

Human Rights in Brazil. Gross Inequalities and Inconsistencies. COHRE Mission Report, 2003 Stuart, Rob (Ed.) Genève, Switzerland; Brazil; USA 2003 Derechos humanos; desigualdad de derechos; inconsistencias de derechos COHRE International Secretariat; Americas Programme; U. S. Office

Human Rights in Danish development cooperation --- Copenhague, Dinamarca 1990 Derechos Humanos Danida

Human Rights Machinery --- [Ginebra, Suiza] 1988 Derechos humanos Centre for Human Rights. United Nations

Human Rights. The new consensus --- Londres, Reino Unido 1994 Derechos Humanos Regency Press

Human Settlementes: People Making a Difference Mata, Francisco y Mary MacDonald (Eds.) Costa Rica April, 1996 Asentamientos humanos Earth Council, The Caucus of Development NGO Networks of Philippines, HIC, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Latin American Office of the International Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Human Settlementes: People Making a Difference / Earth reports Mata, Francisco y Mary MacDonald (Eds.) Costa Rica February, 1996 Asentamientos humanos Earth Council, The Caucus of Development NGO Networks of Philippines, HIC, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Latin American Office of the International Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Human settlements as part of a sustainable future --- Leicestershire, Reino Unido 1996 Asentamientos humanos y sustentabilidad Building and Social Housing Fundation

Human Settlements Basic Stadistics/Statistiques de Base Etablissements Humains/Estadísticas básicas de Asentamientos Humanos --- Nairobi, Kenia 1990 Estadísticas básicas de asentamientos humanos Centro de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos (Hábitat)

Human Settlements in Chile: National Action Plan --- [Estambul, Turquía] 1996 Políticas de vivienda Ministry of Housing and Urban Development y Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)

Hurricane resistant structures in the Caribbean/Habitat anticiclonique dans le Caraïbe --- [Dominica] --- Construcciones resistentes a los huracanes en el Caribe Ministry for Community Development, Social Affairs and Housing

Hurricane response: Mitc and Georges --- --- --- Desastres por huracanes, América Latina y el Caribe Habitat for Humanity Interntional

I Concurso iberoamericano de informes 1984 --- [Madrid, España] --- Concurso iberoamericano de informes Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

I Concurso Nacional de Tecnologías para la Vivienda de Interés Social --- México, Distrito Federal --- Tecnologías para la construcción de viviendas de interés social Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL)

I Curso latinoamericano sobre administración y gestión del crédito de la vivienda --- --- --- Administración y gestión del crédito a la vivienda ---

I Taller popular En defensa del agua --- México, Distrito Federal 2005 Defensa del agua Centro de Análisis Social, Información y Formación Popular

I.D. Profile / Profil D.I. --- Ottawa, Ontario, Canadá 1986 ONGs, desarrollo internacional Canadian Council for International Co-operation

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