Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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When the spoke we listened - when we speak ourselves they do not listen, o yea Economic and Public Policy Trends Versus the Social Production of Housing México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

Where to start: An action plan for protecting the environment and reducing Canada's deficit Gillies, A. M. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá 1994 Protección del medio ambiente International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

Wildlife working for sustainable development Dalal-Clayton, Barry [Londres, Reino Unido] 1991 Desarrollo sostenible International Institute for Environment and Development

With quality in mind --- Amsterdam, Países Bajos 1995 --- [Bureau M & O]

Women and Household Environmental Care in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana McGranaham, Gordon y Jacob Songsore Estocolmo, Suecia 1996 Las mujeres y el cuidado ambiental de los hogares en el área Metropolitana de Accra (GAMA), Ghana Stockholm Enviroment Institute (SEI)

Women and Housing Rights: Building Habitat for Human Dignity Habitat International Coalition General Secretariat Barcelona February 12-14, 2008 Derechos humanos; Derechos de la mujer; Vivienda digna HIC; DESC; ACCD

Women and Shelter Seminar --- --- [1987] Problemática del refugio en perspectiva de género ---

Women and the environment Sontheimer, Sally [Ed.] Londres, Reino Unido 1991 Cirisis y desarrollo, mujeres y medio ambiente, tercer mundo Earthscan

Women in Human Settlements Development --- --- --- La mujer en el desarrollo de los asentamientos humanos United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT: Participation in Shelter Strategies at the Community Level in Urban Informal Settlements Miraftab, Faranak --- 1998 La participación de la mujer en las estrategias de vivienda a nivel comunitario en asentamientos urbanos informales United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

Women's participation in disaster relief and recovery Yonder, Ayse Nueva York, Estados Unidos 2005 Participación femenina en operaciones de socorro y reconstrucción Population Council

Women's role in economic development Boserup, Ester Londres, Reino Unido 1970 El rol de la mujer en el desarrollo económico Earthscan

Women, development and the british aid programme: a progress report --- Reino Unido --- Programas de asistencia a la mujer Overseas Development Administration

Woodless construction unstabilised earth brick vault and dome roofing without formwork Norton, John Suecia 1997 Arquitectura y construcción Lund Centre for Habitat Studies (LCHS)

Woodwool slabs - Manufacture, properties and use Johansson, Erik Suecia 1994 Arquitectura y construcción Lund Centre for Habitat Studies (LCHS)

Worker Co-ops. Vol. 5 No. 3 --- Ontario, Canadá 1985 Cooperativas de trabajo [Cooperative Union of Canada]

Worker Co-ops. Vol. 5 No. 4 --- Ontario, Canadá 1986 Cooperativas de trabajo [Cooperative Union of Canada]

Worker Co-ops. Vol. 6 No. 1 --- Ontario, Canadá 1986 Cooperativas de trabajo [Cooperative Union of Canada]

Worker Co-ops. Vol. 6 No. 2 --- Ontario, Canadá 1986 Cooperativas de trabajo [Cooperative Union of Canada]

Working for Housing Rights Conference. Objectif: Le Droit au Logement --- s/l May, 1990 --- Shelter for the Homeless Foundation, Canada; HIC, Mexico

Working with community - Some principles & methods --- Orangi, Karachi, Pakistán 1992 Trabajop en comunidad Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute

Working with government Hasan, Arif Karachi, Pakistán 1997 Organizaciones populares y agencias gubernamentales, trabajo conjunto y saneamiento de bajo costo City Press

World Bank Environment Publications --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1996 Catálogo 1996 de publicaciones del Banco Mundial sobre medio ambiente World Bank Environment Department

World Bank environmental projects July 1986 - June 1996 --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1996 Proyectos ambientales del Banco Mundial World Bank Environment Department

World Bank environmental projects July 1995 - June 1996 --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1996 Proyectos ambientales del Banco Mundial World Bank Environment Department

World Bank environmental projects July 1996 - June 1997 --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos --- Proyectos ambientales del Banco Mundial World Bank Environment Department

World Bank Work with Nongovernmental Organizations Eaves, A. Paige y Lawrence F. Salmen --- 1989 Colaboración entre el Banco Mundial y las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales The World Bank

World Bank work with nongovernmental organizations Eaves, A. Paige y Lawrence F. Salmen [Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos] 1989 Cooperación entre el Banco Mundial y Organizaciones no gubernamentales The World Bank

World Citizenship --- --- --- Desarrollo sustentable Bahá'í International Community

World Citizenship --- Nueva York, Estados Unidos 1993 Ciudadanía mundial Bahá'í International Community

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