Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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Voces solidarias. Contribución a la participación para el diseño Bolívar Barreto, Teolinda (Comp.) Caracas, Venezuela 1990 Organización comunitaria Misereor

Voces Solidarias: contribución a la participación para el diseño Barreto Bolivar, Teolinda Caracas, Venezuela 2001 --- Ex Libris

Volume de resumos / Abstracts Volume --- Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 1992 Primer seminario internacional sobre los problemas ambientales de los grandes centros urbanos Sociedade Brasileira para a Valorização do Meio Ambiente (Biosfera)

Voluntary Agencies and Housing. A report on some voluntary agencies working in the field of Housing in India Achwal, Madhav New Delhi, India 1979 Producción social de vivienda; organizaciones sociales UNICEF

Volver al futuro? Recobrarlo Register, Richard y Mostafa K. Tolba México, Distrito Federal 1988 Cuidado del medio ambiente Grupo de Estudios Ambientales

Waiting for Tomorrow. A study on four groups of vulnerable migrant children in the city of Bombay 1989-90 SPARC (Ed.) Bomaby, India 1991 Niños migrantes; vulnerabilidad de niños migrantes; India UNICEF/Government of Maharashtra

Walking together: The first steps --- [Australia] 1994 Gestión cultural, reconciliación entre el gobierno australiano y los aborígenes The Commonwealth of Australia

Wasser: Eine globale Herausforderung --- Alemania 1996 Agua Horlemann

Wat ons wil hê! --- --- 1994 --- ---

Wat toey nai slum fire Maier, Joseph H. Bangkok, Tailandia --- --- The Human Development Centre

Water Allocation, Rights, and Pricing. Examples for Japan and the United States Teerink, John R. and Masahiro Nakashima Washington, D. C., U.S.A. 1993 Agua, precios y servicios The World Bank

Water for Life Decade --- Nueva York 2005 Agua UN-Water

Water for responsible growth --- [Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos] --- Manejo responsable del agua The World Bank

Water is a commons Robert, Jean México 1994 Derecho al agua, sanidad, recursos naturales, recursos económicos, recursos culturales ---

Water is a commons Robert, Jean México, Distrito Federal 1994 Crisis del agua Habitat International Coalition (HIC)

Water supply and sanitation in low and middle income cities Bratt, Anna [et al.] Estocolmo, Suecia 1996 Abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento Stockholm Enviroment Institute (SEI)

Water Support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group 1990-2005 --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 2006 --- Inter-American Development Bank

Water. Know-how to share / L'eau. Des savoir-faire à partager --- Montreal, Quebec, Canadá --- Acceso al agua Publi-Relais y The International Secretariat for Water

Waterscapes Izembart, Hélène y Bertrand Le Boudec Barcelona, España 2003 Tratamiento de aguas residuales mediante sistemas vegetales Editorial Gustavo Gili

Watertightness of heavy flat roofs in semi-arid climates Johansson, Erik Suecia 1989 --- Lund Centre for Habitat Studies (LCHS)

Welcome to Asaka --- Osaka, Japón 1987 --- Asaka Ad Hoc Implementation Project Committee

West Africa long term perspectives: regional opportunities and policy issues / Perspectives à long terme en Afrique de l'Ouest: une réflexion régionale sur les politiques de développement --- París, Francia 1995 Políticas de desarrollo en África occidental Club du Sahel

Wetlands: Market & Intervention Failures Jones, Tom y Kerry Turner [Eds.] Londres, Reino Unido 1991 Humedales Earthscan

What are those Bastards up to now?: a review of interactions between the South African Homeless Peoples's Federation/People's Dialogue Alliance and the South African Government of National Unity Bolnick, Joel ; Virginia Roaf y Ted Baumann México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition (People's Dialogue)

What is the Right to Food in the International Bill of Human Rights? --- Heidelberg, West Germany [s/f ca. 1988] Derecho a la alimentación FIAN

What should we lobby for? --- --- 1995 Trabajo de ONGs en tierra y vivienda Partnership of Philippine Support Services Agencies (PHILSSA) y Urban Poor Asociates

When push comes to shove Leckie, Scott 1995 Desalojos forzados y derechos humanos Habitat International Coalition

When push comes to shove: evictions, the law & housing rights Leckie, Scott México [199?] DERECHO A LA VIVIENDA/ DESALOJOS Habitat International Coalition

When push comes to shove: forced evictions and human rights Leckie, Scott The Netherlands 1995 Desalojos forzados; Derechos humanos HABITAT INTERNATIONAL COALITION

When the bough breaks? Thomas, Laura y Lloyd Timerlake Londres, Reino Unido 1990 Población infantil, medio ambiente Earthscan

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