Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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Tercer Seminario Internacional Participación Comunitaria. Memorias Brand, Peter Charles (Ed.) Colombia 1993 --- P. Charles

Tercera Reunión Extraordinaria del Consejo Directivo --- México 1999 Instituciones de financiamiento a la vivienda Instituto de Vivienda del D. F. / Casa y Ciudad A.C.

Termites and construction Mossberg, Björn Suecia 1990 Arquitectura y construcción Lund Centre for Habitat Studies (LCHS)

Terremotos. Amenaza sísmica en Bogotá --- Bogotá, Colombia 2005 Terremotos, prevención de desastres Alcaldía mayor de Bogotá

Territorio en crisis: una política de Estado para regiones y ciudades, ¡ya! Iracheta Cenecorta, Alfonso X. México 2006 --- Asociación Mexicana de Institutos Municipales de Planeación

Territorio y desplazamiento. El caso de Altos de Cazucá, municipio de Soacha Pérez Martínez, Manuel Enrique Bogotá, Colombia 2004 Territorio y desplazamiento Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Testimonios y reflexiones de mujeres de la UCISV-Ver Almazán Villalobos, Cristina Xalapa, Veracruz, México 1994 Testimonios de mujeres UCISV-Ver, Pobladores

Textes de la conférence pour l'inscription du droit au logement dans la constitution --- [Bruselas, Bélgica] 1988 Derecho a la vivienda ---

Tezonapa 1988 Domínguez Canseco, Francisco --- --- Disputa por el poder municipal Centro de Servicios Municipales "Heriberto Jara" (CESEM)

The 1995 great hanshin-awaji earthquake what happened to the survivors? Economic and Public Policy Trends Versus the Social Production of Housing México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

The 2004 hurricanes in the Caribbean and the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean Zapata Martí, Ricardo México, Distrito Federal 2005 Huracanes en el Caribe y el Tsunami en el océano índico CEPAL, Naciones Unidas

The air program in industry of the Katowice voivodeship (province) in Poland Beblo, Wojciech --- --- Medio ambiente urbano Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

The applicability of human rights law to occuped territories: The case of the occuped palestinian territories Bevis, Linda Ramallah, Palestina 1994 Derechos humanos, aplicación en los territorios ocupados palestinos Al-Haq

The Assefa Story Jayasundere, Ramani Colombo, Sri Lanka 1997 --- INASIA-LEX-DPH

The basic law of the Hong Kong special administrative region of the people's republic of China --- China 1990 Ley básica de la administración especial de Hong Kong The Consultative Committee for the Baisc Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

The bedouin of the Negev, a threatened minority --- Be'ersheba, Israel 1995 Beduinos, desplazamientos y desalojos forzados en Israel Association for Support and Defense of Bedouin Rights in Israel

The bells of freedom --- Addis Abeba, Etiopía 1996 --- Action Professionals Association for the People (APAP)

The bottom line: Restructuring for sustainability --- Santa Barbara, California, Estados Unidos 1990 --- Community Environmental Council

The case of Bauleni Upgrading Lusaka,Zambia Chileshe Mulenga, Leonard (research fellow) México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

The case of the Deventer Neighbourhood approach an institutional framework for neighbourhood management rooted in a partnership between residents, the municipality, a community-support organization, housing associations and several other organizations Peltenburg, Monique México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition (IHS)

The challenge of sustainable cities Burgess, Rod [et al.] --- --- Neoliberalismo y estrategias urbanas en países en desarrollo ---

The Challenge of Urbanization: The World's Large Cities --- New York 1995 Urbanización; grandes urbes United Nations

The challenges of urbanization in countries in settlements transition Cour, Jean-Marie --- 1995 Urbanización en países en transición OECD/Club du Sahel

The Child in Search of the State --- --- 1998 Derecho de los niños a la vivienda CRC, HRF, LAYA, YUVA

The co-financement of DPH Sunimal, Fernando Colombo, Sri Lanka 1997 --- INASIA-LEX-DPH

The colonizer and the colonized Memmi, Albert Londres, Reino Unido 1990 Colonialismo Earthscan

The commitee on economic, social and cultural rights --- Ginebra, Suiza 1996 Derechos Humanos Centre for Human Rights. United Nations

The commitee on the elimination of racial discrimination --- [Ginebra, Suiza] 1991 Derechos humanos Centre for Human Rights. United Nations

The condition of mexican children in the adjustment years Aguirre Reveles, Rodolfo México, Distrito Federal 2000 La condición de los niños mexicanos en los años de ajuste UNICEF

The conservation of drinking-water supplies: techniques for low-income settlements --- Nairobi, Kenia 1989 Conservación del agua potable en los sectores de bajos ingresos United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

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