Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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The World Bank and the Environment --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1992 El Banco Mundial y el medio ambiente The World Bank

The World Bank in 1992: Progress in poverty alleviation? Alexander, Nancy [et al.] Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1992 El Banco Mundial y la pobreza en el tercer mundo The World Bank

The world conferences and german politics Fues, Thomas y Brigitte Hamm Bonn, Alemania 2000 --- Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (SEF)

The WTO Multilateral trade agenda and the south --- Ginebra, Suiza 1998 Agenda e comercio multilateral para el Sur The South Centre

The WTO multilateral trade agenda and the South --- Ginebra, Suiza 1998 La agenda de comercio multilateral de la OMC y el Sur The South Centre

Thesaurus de recherche --- París, Francia 1996 Sistemas de clasificación Echosigne

Thinking the city of the 21st Century: the inhabitants´ voice World Assembly of Urban Inhabitants México 2001 --- Habitat International Coalition

Third International FEANTSA Congress --- Bruselas, Bélgica 1997 Tercer congreso internacional FEANTSA FEANTSA

Third International FEANTSA Congress. Where to sleep tonight? Where to live tomorrow? --- Bruselas, Bélgica 1997 Derecho de vivienda FEANTSA

Tierra y Agua. Un derecho para todos --- [Córdoba, Argentina] --- Derecho a la tierra y al agua Asociación de Vivienda Económica (AVE) y Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica (CEVE)

Tierra y agua: Un derecho para todos --- [Argentina] --- Derecho al agua y a la tierra Asociación de la Vivienda Económica (AVE) y Red XIV.G Cyted

Tierras de Uso Público. Directrices --- Nairobi, Kenya s/f Tierras de uso público UNCHS

Tierras para los Asentamientos Humanos. Examen y Análisis de la Situación Actual. Recomendaciones para la Acción Nacional e Internacional --- Nairobi, Kenya 1984 Tierra y vivienda UNCHS

Tigers and butterflies Suyin, Han Londres, Reino Unido 1990 --- Earthscan

TLC Andino : Las falacias del libre comercio Wiener Fresco, Raúl Alfredo Bogotá, Colombia 2007 --- Ediciones Ántropos

Top guns & toxic whales: The environment & global security Prins, Gwyn y Robbie Stamp Londres, Reino Unido 1991 Seguridad global y medio ambiente Earthscan

Toronto Community Housing --- Toronto, Canadá --- Vivienda comunitaria en Toronto Toronto Community Housing

Torture for security: the sistematic torture and ill-treatment of palestinian by Israel Phillips, Melissa Ramallah, Cisjordania 1995 Tortura y malos tratos a los palestinos por parte de Israel Al-Haq

Toward collaborative evaluation of community development in Thailand Pratt, James H. Vancouver, Canadá 1993 Desarrollo comunitario y ONGs en Tailanfia Centre for Human Settlements, School of Coummunity and Regional Planning. The University of British Columbia

Toward environmental strategies for cities Bartone, Carl [et al.] Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1994 Gestión urbana y medio ambiente Urban Management Programme

Toward environmental strategies for cities: policy considerations for urban environmental management in developing countries Bartone, Carl et. al. Washington D. C., USA. 1994 Urbanización; desarrollo; medio ambiente The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank


Towards a paradigm of embedded financial liberalization Kaul, Inge Bonn, Alemania 1999 liberalización financiera Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (SEF)

Towards a people-driven development agenda ANSA Secretariat Zimbabwe, Africa 2007 --- ANSA

Towards an economic platform for the south --- Ginebra, Suiza 1998 Países en desarrollo, preogramas de desarrollo, globalización The South Centre

Towards an International Convention on Hosing Rights: Options al Habitat II Leckie, Scott Washington, D. C. 1994 Derecho a la vivienda American Society of International Law (ASIL)

Towards Habitat II, urbanization, cooperatives and Esenkent - Bo?azköy --- --- --- --- [Esenkent - Bo?azköy]

Towards social equity through low cost sanitation; the Sulabh - Government Partnership A case study in India Venkateswaran, Sandhya México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

Towards sustainable human settlements --- --- --- Asentamientos humanos sostenibles ---

Town planning under military occupation Coon, Anthony Ramallah, Cisjordania 1992 Legislación y planeamiento urbano en la ocupada Cisjordania Al-Haq

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