Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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The Rupert Pilot Project: a self-Help and Community Rehabilitation Project in Canada Shapcott, Michael México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

The Sao Paulo prefacture paralizes construction of public housing Economic and Public Policy Trends Versus the Social Production of Housing México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

The scale and nature of international donor assistance to housing, basic services and other human-settlements related projects Satterthwaite, David [Helsinki, Finlandia] 1997 --- United Nations University. World Institute for Development Economics Research

The significance of intra-urban differentials in health and environmental conditions Kreisel, Wilfried --- --- Salud, pobreza y medio ambiente Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

The sociological action-research of development-induced population resettlement Cernea, Michael M. Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos --- --- The World Bank

The sou-sou land story Laughlin, Ivan [Trinidad] [1985] --- [Sou-sou Land]

The south and human rights --- Ginebra, Suiza 19993 Derechos humanos [C/O World YWCA]

The soweto rent boycott --- [Yeoville] 1989 --- PLANACT

The Sri Lankan 1.5 million house programme --- Leicestershire, Reino Unido 1990 Sri Lanka, Programa de vivienda Building and Social Housing Foundation

The state of Palestine --- Ramallah, Cisjordania 1992 Palestina Center for Engineering and Planning

The state of the world's cities 2004/2005 --- --- 2004 Ciudades y globalización United Nations Human Settlements Programme

The state of the world's cities report 2006/7 --- --- 2006 Ciudades y globalización United Nations Human Settlements Programme

The struggle for Nirobi Hirst, Terry Nairobi, Kenia 1994 Nairobi, luchas sociales, comic Mazingira Institute

The SUF Handbook. Design Phase. Volume 1: An Approach to Financial Action Planning for Slum upgrading and New Low-income Residential Neighborhoods. First Draft --- Vancouver, Canada June, 2006 Habitat + 30 Slum Upgrading Facility/UN-HABITAT

The superfund experience Roqué, Julie A. y Robert T. Watson --- 1994 Medio ambiente urbano Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

The Tanzania-Bondeni community lands trust voi, Kenya a case study Jaffer, Murtaza México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

The United Nations at a critical crossroads --- [Ginebra, Suiza] 1992 El sur y la reforma de las Naciones Unidas South Centre

The urban basic services programme in Sukkur, Sindh Province, Pakistan Hasan, Arif México 1996 --- Habitar International Coalition

The Urban Environment --- Nueva York, Estados Unidos 1996 Medio ambiente urbano Oxfor University Press

The urban environment and population relocation Cernea, Michael M. Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1993 --- The World Bank

The urban environment in developing countries --- Nueva York, Estados Unidos 1992 Medio ambiente urbano en países en desarrollo United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The urban management program Trivelli, Pablo --- --- Programa de gestión urbana Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

The Urban Poor - Land and Housing Murphy, Denis Thailand 1993 Pobreza urbana, acceso a la vivienda Asian Coalition for Housing Rights; Habitat International Coalition-Asia

The urban poor as agents of development --- Nairobi, Kenia 1993 Los pobres como agentes de desarrollo United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

The Urban Poor- Land an Housing Murphy, Denis Bangkok, Tailandia 1993 Problemática urbana en Filipiinas Asian Coalition for Housing Rights. Habitat International Coalition- Asia

The use of satellite images for urban planning Bertaud, Marie-Agnes --- 1989 Uso de imágenes satelitales para la planificación urbana The World Bank

The Value of Time Spent on Collection Water: Some estimates for Ukunda, Kenya Whittington, Dale et. al. Washington, D. C., U.S.A. 1989 Tecnología para el suministro de agua The World Bank

The vulnerability of low income settlements and households in urban Jamaica to natural hazards - issues and intervention possibilities McLeod, Ruth --- 1987 Problemática de vivienda en Jamaica Organization of American States, Natural Hazards Project

The Water Resources Sector Strategy: An Overview --- --- 2003 Manejo del agua The World Bank

The World Bank and NGOs: New approaches Qureshi, Moeen A. Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1988 Cooperación entre el Banco Mundial y Organizaciones no gubernamentales ---

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