Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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International Colloquium on Earth Construction Technologies Appropiate to Developing Countries --- Brussels, Belgium 1984 --- UNCHS

International Conventon on Human Rights --- [Países Bajos] 1994 Derechos Humanos COHRE

International Courses on Housing and Urban Development --- [Rotterdam, Países Bajos] --- Vivienda y desarrollo urbano Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies

International Development Newsletter Vol. 2 N.2 --- Ontario, Canada 1988 --- Faculty of Environmental Studies York University

International Development Newsletter Vol. 3 N.1 --- Ontario, Canada 1989 --- Faculty of Environmental Studies York University

International housing finance sourcebook 1995 --- [Estados Unidos] 1995 Financiamiento de vivienda The International Union of Housing, Finance and Institutions

International Housing Markets Haupt, Barbara [et al.] Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1991 Mercados internacionales de vivienda Fannie Mae

International Human Rights in Context. Law. Politics. Morals. Text and Materials Steiner, Henry J. and Philip Alston New York 2000 --- Oxford University Press

International Information Distribution Package --- --- --- --- The Southern Diaspora Research and Development Center

International Instruments --- --- 1993 Derechos Humanos United Nations

International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples 1976-1986 --- Milán, Italia 1986 Derechos Humanos ---

International Meeting on Governmental/Non Governmental Cooperation in the Field of Human Settlementes. Preparatory Document. October 28, 30 and 31, 1996. Mexico City Ortiz, Enrique and Joël Audefroy (Coord.) México 1996 --- Habitat International Coalition

International migrants and the city Balbo, Marcello [Ed.] [Venecia, Italia] 2005 Ciudad y migrantes Universitá Iuav di Venezia y United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

International seminar on evictions and the right to housing --- [México, Distrito Federal] --- --- Centro de la Vivienda y Estudios Urbanos (CENVI)

International Seminar on Human Settlements Policy '93. Prospects for Governemental and Non-Governmental Partnership in Human Settlements Development. Meeting Report --- Tokyo, Japan 1993 Asentamientos humanos; congresos national Land Agency; United Nations Centre for Regional Development

International Symposium to promote Legal Services in the Caribbean. Legal Services for the Poor in the Caribbean --- Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 1986 Servicios legales en el Caribe Inter-American Legal Services Association (ILSA) e Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos

International Union of Housing Finance Institutions --- [Londres, Reino Unido] 1988 Funcionamiento y estructura de la International Union of Housing Finance Institutions Intenational Union of Housing Finance Institutions

Internationale Konferenz Menschenrechte in Kurdistan/International Conference Human Rights in Kurdistan --- Bremen, Germany 1990 Conferencia de Derechos Humanos en Kurdistán Hoschule Bremen

Interplan --- Copenhague, Dinamarca --- Dinamarca, políticas urbanas, vivienda, medio ambiente Interplan

Intra-urban health differentials in Accra, Ghana Doe, Ben K. --- --- Pobreza y salud Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

Inundaciones en Bogotá --- Bogotá, Colombia 2006 Inundaciones en Bogotá, prevención de desastres Alcaldía mayor de Bogotá

Inversión inmobiliaria --- México, Distrito Federal 2010 Inverión inmobiliaria Centro Urbano

Investigación, experimentación y transferencia de tecnologías apropiadas y apropiables para procesos socio-habitables --- --- 1989 Mejoramiento del habitat popular, Argentina Institut de Recherche sur l'Environnement Construit (IREC)

Investigation into the Eviction of the Residents of the Baghbazar Municipal Yard, Calcuta, India. Pinsky, Barry (Coord.) Ontario, Canada 32294 Desalojos forzados; violación de derechos humanos; India Rooftops Canada Foundation

Investments in solid waste management Bartone, Carl [et al.] --- 1990 Inversiones en la gestión de residuos sólidos The World Bank

Involuntary resettlement in development programs Cernea, Michael M. Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1988 Proyectos de desarrollo y reubicaciones involuntarias The World Bank

Ipatinga: progresso e qualidade de vida lado a lado / Progress and Quality of life side by side --- Mina Gerais, Brasil 1995 --- Prefeitura Municipal Ipatinga

Irak: Causas e impactos de una guerra imperialista Valqui Cachi, Camilo [Coord.] México, Distrito Federal 2004 Guerra en Irak Jorale Editores

IRELA 1985-1995 --- Madrid, España 1995 Relaciones Europeo-Latinoamericanas Instituto de Relaciones Europeo-Latinoamericanas (IRELA)

Irrigación y reforma agraria Castañeda González, Rocío México, Distrito Federal 1995 Irrigación y reforma agraria Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social y Comisión Nacional del Agua

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