Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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United Nations Training Course on International Norms and Standards in the Field of Human Rights --- [Ginebra, Suiza] 1990 Derechos humanos United Nations

Universalidad-sociedad hacia Estambul +5 Reflexiones globales, ¿acciones locales? Cátedra UNESCO-ITESO Guadalajara, Jalisco, México 2002 --- Pandora, SA de CV

Universidad-sociedad hacia Estambul +5. Reflexiones globales, ¿acciones locales? Cátedra UNESCO-ITESO Cuarto Seminario Internacional /memorias --- México 2002 Gestión del hábitat; participación social; desarrollo urbano; medio ambiente ITESO; CATEDRA UNESCO-ITESO; CITY PROFESSIONALS; MOST; UNESCO

Unrest in East Africa: Challenges for the churches and politics --- Bonn, Alemania 1998 --- Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden

UNRISD. 30 años de investigación para el desarrollo social --- [Ginebra, Suiza] --- Instituto de Investigaciones de las Naciones Unias para el Desarrollo Social Instituto de Investigaciones de las Naciones Uidas para el Desarrollo Social (UNRISD)

Unwelcome harvest Conway, Gordon y Jules N. Pretty Londres, Reino Unido 1991 Agricultura y contaminación Earthscan

Uprooting Poverty: The South African Challenge Wilson, Francis & Mamphela Ramphele Cape Town, South Africa 1989 Pobreza; Sud África David Philip

Urban 21 Global Conference on the urban future --- Berlín, Alemania --- Conferencia global sobre el futuro urbano Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

Urban and spatial development in Mexico Scott, Ian Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1982 Desarrollo urbano World Bank

Urban development framework --- --- 1997 Desarrollo urbano The Department of Housing

Urban differentials in a third world industrializated city: The case of São Paulo (Brazil) Akerman, Marco y Petro Jacobi --- --- Diferencias urbanas en el tercer mundo Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

Urban environment governance Sivaramakrishnan, K. C. --- --- Gestión y manejo ambiental Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

Urban environmental audits: networking and participation in six mediterranean cities Kudat, Ayse --- 1994 Medio ambiente urbano [The World Bank]

Urban environmental problems in national environmental strategies and action plans Bernstein, Janis --- --- Medio ambiente urbano Enviromentally Sustainable Development Conference

Urban finance in post-depression Latin America: The solvency status of urban borrowers Buckley, Robert y Bertrand Renaud --- 1988 Financiamiento urbano en la Latinoamérica post-depresión The World Bank

Urban good governance and participatory development --- Berlín, Alemania --- Gestión urbana y desarrollo participativo Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung

Urban Governance: Why Gender Matters Beall, Jo Nueva York, Estados Unidos 1996 Género y gobernatura urbana United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

Urban housing in third world market economies Leaf, Michael L. [Vancouver, Canadá] 1993 Vivienda urbana en economías de mercado del tercer mundo [Centre for Human Settlements, School of Coummunity and Regional Planning. The University of British Columbia]

Urban housing policies and approaches in a changing Asian context Hasan, Arif Karachi, Pakistán 1997 Las políticas de vivienda urbana en Asia City Press

Urban housing reforms in China: A first overview Barlow, Melinda --- 1988 Reformas de vivienda en China Urban Development Division. Policy, Planning and Research Staff

Urban La Cuesta-Taco. Renovación urbana, calidad de vida y cohesión social --- --- --- Proyectos de renovación urbana [Ayuntamiento de San Cristóbal de la Laguna]

Urban Land: space for the poorin the City of Johannesburg? --- --- --- Pobreza y espacio urbano [Planact]

Urban management and the environment --- --- --- Gestión urbaa y medio ambiente Urban Management Program

Urban Management Program and the Environment.Understanding Environmental Problems in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods. Broad Spectrum Surveys, Participatory Appraisal and Contingent Valuation Mc Granahan, Gordon, Josef Leitmann and Charles Surjadi Nairobi, Kenya / Stockholm, Sweden / New York, N. Y. / Washington, D. C. / 1997 Problemas ambientales; Barrios vulnerables UNCHS / SEI / DGIP-UNDP / The World Bank /

Urban Management Program. Febrero 1989 --- --- 1989 Gestión urbana United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

Urban Management Program. Prospectus. Octubre 1991 --- Washington, D. C. / Nairobi, Kenya / New York, N. Y. 1991 Gestión urbana The World Bank / UNCHS / DGIP-UNDP

Urban Management Programme. 1996-1997 --- Nairobi, Kenia 1998 Programa de gestión urbana United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

Urban Management Programme. Annual Report 1994 --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos [1994] Gestión urbana The World Bank Urban Management Programme y United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

Urban policy and economic development. An agenda for the 1990s --- Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1991 Política urbana y desarrollo económico The World Bank

Urban poverty aleviation --- La Haya, Países Bajos 1994 Pobreza urbana Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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