Habitat International Coalition - América Latina

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Housing by people in Asia --- Bangkok, Tailandia --- Reconstrucción de vivienda, tsunami Asian Coalition for Housing Rights

Housing crisis in Central Asia Hasan, Arif Karachi, Pakistán 1997 Crisis de vivienda en Asia Central City Press

Housing decision models in Latin America Christian Jensen, Hans Peter Colombia 1989 --- The central Housing Unit ; UNICEVI

Housing Enabling Markets to Work. A World Bank Policy Paper with Technical Supplements Mayo, Stephen K. and Shlomo Angel Washington, D. C. 1993 Política de vivienda;inversión en vivienda; asistencia mundial; organismos financieros internacionales; Banco Mundial The World Bank

Housing exclusion in central and eastern Europe --- --- 1995 Exclusión y vivienda FEANTSA

Housing Finance - An international perspective --- Londres, Reino Unido 1989 Financiamiento de vivienda International Union of Housing Finance Institutions

Housing finance and resource mobilization: recent innovations Housing Finance (IIED Human Settlements Programme) South Africa 1996 --- Edited by D. Mitlin for the Habitat International Coalition

Housing Finance Iternational --- Illinois, Estados Unidos 1995 Financiamiento de vivienda International Union of Housing Finance Institutions

Housing finance manual --- --- 1994 Financiamiento de vivienda Development Promotion Group

Housing for all? --- Nazaret, Israel 1996 Implementación del derechoa a una vivienda adecuada para minorías árabes palestinas en Israel The Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA)

Housing for the people [Peng, Khor Kok] Penang, Malasia 1989 Pobreza y vivienda Consumers' Association of Penang y Southeast Asian Forum on Development Alternatives

Housing for the urban poor: Challenge & response Mallick, Rabial y Dhurjati Mukherjee [Eds.] [Calcuta, India] 1996 Pobreza urbana y vivienda Christian Institute for the Study of Religion & Society

Housing in Beijing --- Leicestershire, Reino Unido 1995 Vivienda en Beijing Building and Social Housing Foundation

Housing in Canada 1945 to 1986. A overview and lessons learned --- Canada 1987 --- Stewart McInnes

Housing in the '90s: Common Issues. Proceedings from the NAHRO IoH CHRA International Conference Katz, Robert D. USA 1990 Financiamiento a la vivienda University of Illinois

Housing markets in an international setting: Emerging issues in research and applications --- --- --- Varias ---

Housing policy in developing economies Buckley, Robert y Stephen Mayo --- 1988 Políticas de vivienda The World Bank

Housing reform in socialist economies Renaud, Bertrand Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos 1991 Reforma de vivienda en economías socialistas The World Bank

Housing rights for everyone, everywhere --- [Ginebra, Suiza] --- Derecho de vivienda Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions

Housing Rights in Latvia --- [Ginebra, Suiza] 2000 Derecho de vivienda Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)

Housing Rights of Children --- Nueva Delhi, India --- Derechos de vivienda para lo niños Habitat International Coalition

Housing the poor Anzorena, Eduardo Jorge Cebu City, Filipinas 1994 Pobreza urbana y vivienda Asian Coalition for Housing Rights

Housing the poor / 2a Edición Anzorena, Eduardo Jorge Cebu City, Filipinas 1993 Pobreza urbana y vivienda Asian Coalition for Housing Rights

Housing the urban poor --- Manila, Filipinas --- Pobreza urbana y vivienda Freedom to build

Housing under economic structural adjustement in Chile: An innovative approach to finance and production Renaud, Bertrand --- 1988 Políticas de vivienda en Chile Urban Development Division. Policy, Planning and Research Staff

Housing, Self-help and Co-operation --- Leicestershire, Reino Unido 1997 Cooperación, autoayuda y vivienda Building and Social Housing Fundation

Housing-finance manual for developing countries --- Nairobi, Kenia 1991 Financiamiento de vivienda para el desarrollo de los países United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

How common is our future? Human settlementes, development, and enviroment Ortiz Flores, Enrique (Coord.) México March, 1991 Derecho a la vivienda HABITAT INTERNATIONAL COALITION

How communities organize themselves Fernandes, Kenneth [Comp.] Karachi, Pakistán 1997 Organización de las comunidades Urban Resource Center y City Press

How Japan is dealing with environmental issues --- Japón --- Japón, medio ambiente Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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